Grocery CRUD is an auto PHP Codeigniter CRUD generator that makes a developer's life easier. With a few simple lines of code, create a full stable CRUD
Grocery CRUD is an auto PHP Codeigniter CRUD generator that makes a developer's life easier. Just few lines of code and you can create a full stable Codeigniter CRUD with nice views.
Powerfull and simple CRUD library for php and mysql. Customizable datagrid, ajax driven, very first and flexible php scaffold and really extended CRUD. Xcrud allows you to create great create-read-update-delete interface in minutes. Auto-types for fields,
Php Object Generator, (POG) is a PHP code generator which automatically generates tested Object Oriented code that you can use for your PHP4/PHP5 application.
Xataface è un framework PHP open source per la creazione di applicazioni PHP / MySQL nel minor tempo possibile e con il minor numero di righe di codice.
Zrad es un generador de código PHP basado en Zend Framework capaz de desarrollar aplicaciones web en iteraciones cortas, dando respuesta al desarrollo ágil de software.
Scriptcase PHP MySQL Generator is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity. Scriptcase PHP MySQL CODE Generator runs directly in the browser enabling web application collaborative development. It supports most databases available generati
Powerfull and simple CRUD library for php and mysql. Customizable datagrid, ajax driven, very first and flexible php scaffold and really extended CRUD. Xcrud allows you to create great create-read-update-delete interface in minutes. Auto-types for fields,
Powerfull and simple CRUD library for php and mysql. Customizable datagrid, ajax driven, very first and flexible php scaffold and really extended CRUD. Xcrud allows you to create great create-read-update-delete interface in minutes. Auto-types for fields,
Xataface è un framework PHP open source per la creazione di applicazioni PHP / MySQL nel minor tempo possibile e con il minor numero di righe di codice.