Called To Holiness: Spirituality for Catholic Women series offers insight and encouragement, making sense of God, and how you and your faith fit into the world, from a Catholic woman's perspective.
The Sisters of Providence, a Community of Catholic Sisters in Holyoke, MA, are women called to reveal the loving care of Providence through ministries of hope and healing.
Called To Holiness: Spirituality for Catholic Women series offers insight and encouragement, making sense of God, and how you and your faith fit into the world, from a Catholic woman's perspective.
Catholic Men For Jesus Christ strives to bring men together to build each other up, support one another, and challenge one another on our spiritual journeys to become the men that we are created and called to be in today world.
St. Michael Parish is a Roman Catholic Christian community called to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus through sacrament, service, worship, and proclamation of the word.
Fr. Edward Evanko, Ukrainian Catholic Church, Richmond, was called to the priesthood after a careen on Broadway & TV. He currently performs: Blessed Nykyta, Damien & Holodomor: Murder by Starvation.
Welcome to Holy Family Kirkland Holy Family Parish Kirkland is a welcoming Catholic Community called to continue the earthly mission of Jesus Christ. We are formed through worship, sacraments, education and fellowship. We are challenged to give generously
Inspired by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, we are a Catholic Family living as disciples of Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, education, and stewardship. Called by our Baptism in Christ, we will nourish our par
Holy Spirit Parish strives to be a welcoming, spirit-filled community called to experience our Catholic faith by prayerfully celebrating the Sacraments.
Create a facebook cover The Apostolic Catholic Church in America (ACCA) is an Ecumenical Catholic, inclusive, missionary, multicultural, connectional,church called to make disciples of Christ for the world. We are a Christ-Centered church rooted in Spirit
Authentic Feminism- The Diocesan-wide Catholic Women's Conference is back! The theme for the Authentic Feminism 2009 Conference is 'Called to Lead'. The theme is based on Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici (The Lay Membe
This document is intended to identify Catholic individuals residing in the New York City tri-state area who may be called to live the life described below.
The Good Shepherd Sisters are an International Catholic Congregation of Women Religious. Many of them spend their lives working in the country of their birth while many others feel called to mission overseas and serve in 68 countries around the world. In
Home Page for Lamb of God | A Catholic Charismatic Renewal Community called to a relationship with God and one another in Gilbert, AZ serving the East Valley in Phoenix Arizona
The Archdiocese of Mobile is committed to directing people who are discerning God’s call to serve His Church. Here at the Office of Vocations, we strive to help you in your journey to discern the vocation you are being called to in the Catholic Church, e
Catholic Charities Hawai'i has developed a program called Premium Senior Services which offers case managemenet, cleaning and transportation services, meal preparation, laundry and other services to seniors in Honolulu.