Dr. Ann Thomas conducts workshops on women and aging, successful grandparenting, and storytelling. Workshops requested by existing organizations are always designed/modified to fit the needs of the registered participants and can be developed around a var
Introducing Kim Russell, performer, writer, storyteller - Sojourner Truth Performance, Author of Tuskegee Love Letterss--red tail pilot; Workshop leader fo Black Family Reunion. Resume of Kim Russell
Writer, Speaker, Storyteller, Editor, Nurse Practitioner, Geriatric Expert. With a mission to teach and inspire, Coleen's multifaceted approach to life provides her with a wealth of expertise and experience she's ready to share with the world.
Writer, Speaker, Storyteller, Editor, Nurse Practitioner, Geriatric Expert. With a mission to teach and inspire, Coleen's multifaceted approach to life provides her with a wealth of expertise and experience she's ready to share with the world.
Doug Motel is an award-winning storyteller, writer, speaker, and coach. His events are a hybrid of performance, humor and tools for positive change. Doug’s message of using humor as a tool for achieving our goals has inspired large groups and individuals
The official website of Canadian humorist, comedic storyteller, speaker and author Judy Millar. Beaver Bluff & beyond. Judy blogs and shares funny videos!
The official website of Canadian humorist, comedic storyteller, speaker and author Judy Millar. Beaver Bluff & beyond. Judy blogs and shares funny videos!