This is the Official Petition to Stop the Al Smith Scandal. Sign the Petition and Pray for Timothy Cardinal Dolan to have courage to stand up for the faith.
The four way stop signs at the 841/896 intersection have worked miraculously and at low cost. The stop sign at Den Road has succeeded in slowing down traffic before the intersection. How do you improve on zero reported crashes? Penn Dot is now proposing t
NYWAG are a group of concerned residents who are opposed to incineration as a waste solution in the UK with a focus on the planned construction of an incinerator site at the Allerton Park Quarry, North Yorkshire.
“We call on you to refuse Ontario Power Generation’s application to build an underground Deep Geological Repository for radioactive nuclear waste within the Municipality of Kincardine on the shores of Lake Huron that would threaten the drinking water of 4
TO MEXICO'S AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We the undersigned will boycott Mexican tourism and Mexican products and trade until the Government of Mexico meets the following demands:...