Connpass is a web service where you can easily create, and promote your events. Organizing your community or group, search, and paid events are supported.
Gather the People is a nonprofit organization that provides education and training resources for congregational and community development and organizing.
Creators of “participatory defense” – a community organizing model for people facing charges, their families, and communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system
Creators of “participatory defense” – a community organizing model for people facing charges, their families, and communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system
Co-Act, Community Organizing for Action, develops grassroots initiatives guided by collaboration and community needs. The results are highly functional local
Co-Act, Community Organizing for Action, develops grassroots initiatives guided by collaboration and community needs. The results are highly functional local
C3 is 501(c)3 non-profit consisting of local businesses and Carlsbad residents who collaborate to raise money for various community causes by organizing and implementing events and projects that serve the community. C3 focuses on providing social, athleti
Popular Praxis is dedicated to sharing community organizing skills and strategy, bringing together theory and action to expand participation in organizing efforts.
The Protection Network Action Fund is a community based network that supports grassroots organizing for immigrant rights in Tucson by providing financial support to members and associates of immigrant led organizations who are detained and faced with depo
SOCM: Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment. SOCM is a member-run organization that encourages civic involvement and collective action so that the people of Tennessee have a greater voice in determining their future.
Leadership through Empowerment, Action, and Dialogue Inc. is a grassroots organization that builds youth leadership, equitable communities, and agents of social transformatio
Comprehensive Guide for Neighborhood Development: Models of Action for housing/affordable housing, economic development, public safety/community oriented policing, defensible space, community schools, human services, built environment, sacred space, metro
Speak Out Kansas organizes at the grassroots level to make change that matters to Kansans and to hold decision makers accountable. We develop staff and grassroots leaders who build effective coalitions and educate citizens to impact policy debates and win
The West / Southwest IAF is a network of community organizations building power to revitalize our democracy for constructive social and economic change.