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Bethel Lutheran Church is a Welcome Place. Located in Omaha, we are a congregation of the Nebraska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
The Official Website for Bethel Lutheran School, Church and Preschool in Bay City, Michigan. Bethel is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
Bethel Lutheran Church is located in Morton, Illinois. We are dedicated to making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ to minister to the world in his name.
Bethel Lutheran Church and School exists to nurture its members with the Word of God and to bring the comforting message of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard it. Bethel is located in southwest Sioux Falls. All are welcome to come and hear the mes
Building Followers of Jesus Christ. Thank you for visiting Bethel Free Lutheran Church. We hope that our site highlights the variety of worship, fellowship, and service opportunities available. We would love to share our love of Jesus Christ with you
Bethel Lutheran Church is located in Morton, Illinois. We are dedicated to making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ to minister to the world in his name.
Bethel Lutheran Church is located in Morton, Illinois. We are dedicated to making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ to minister to the world in his name.
Bethel Lutheran Church is located in Morton, Illinois. We are dedicated to making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ to minister to the world in his name.
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church and Preschool in East Bethel, located in Anoka County, is a welcoming and growing congregation reaching out to all ages through fellowship, education, ministry, and mission.
Bethel Lutheran Church is an ELCA church serving Cupertino and nearby cities. Traditional and contemporary worship services are held every Sunday morning.
Bethel Lutheran Church and Preschool in Gurnee, IL, welcomes you to our site. We hope you will find the information you need and then come join us for worship.