"But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us&quo
"Our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel..." 2 Timothy 1:10 Life to Light from CeanessFilms on Vimeo. Questions or Comments? Please email info.lifetolig
A Brief Presentation of the Preterist Viewpoint of Eschatology - The Preterist Homepage, brought to you by Grace Ministries. Seeking to uphold the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of the Word of God. The Preterist view of eschatology (Bibl
A Brief Presentation of the Preterist Viewpoint of Eschatology - The Preterist Homepage, brought to you by Grace Ministries. Seeking to uphold the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of the Word of God. The Preterist view of eschatology (Bibl
A Brief Presentation of the Preterist Viewpoint of Eschatology - The Preterist Homepage, brought to you by Grace Ministries. Seeking to uphold the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of the Word of God. The Preterist view of eschatology (Bibl
Bible Baptist Church is an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. We desire to communicate the saving message of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. It is our privilege to be a part of a special union that God has brought together in one place. Our
A Brief Presentation of the Preterist Viewpoint of Eschatology - The Preterist Homepage, brought to you by Grace Ministries. Seeking to uphold the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of the Word of God. The Preterist view of eschatology (Bibl
We believe that God has brought us together as Door of Hope to spread the message of hope that is found only in knowing our Lord, Jesus Christ.
God has given us the opportunity to lead worship at a variety of churches, Christian conferences, local corre
Welcome to the Message Church site here in Wolverhampton, near Birmingham UK. The Believers so gathered believe the End Time Message as brought to The Bride of Jesus Christ by William Branham.
Welcome to the Mt. Zion Lutheran website. The church is a community of believers. From the first church in Jerusalem, around 30 AD, to the present, we have been a family brought together by faith in Jesus Christ and sustained by the grace of God.
We are a fellowship of believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We desire to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denomination. We are simply a fellowship of believers brought together by God’s love and common bel
The Van Martins are made up of a group of believers brought together by the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. With backgrounds in the church that stretch back to early childhood, the Van Martins share the abiding love of God by caring for one another, a
For the first time in known history, the true and total journey that Jesus Christ made for mankind is depicted in one item. Not since the Council of Nicosea in 325 A.D. has anything so significant been brought forward and copyrighted.
We are a fellowship of believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We desire to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denomination. We are simply a fellowship of believers brought together by God’s love and common bel