The Point is an Art Cafe. Part art gallery, part cafe. The art gallery features the work of Terry Pyles and other local and regional favorites. The restaurant serves up fresh cooked, homemade lunches every day, of artisinal soups, breads, cookies and fres
Find hundreds of free patterns for stained glass with our easy to use pattern search, or browse through the many step by step tutorials on this unique web site.
Uroboros manufactures art glass, stained glass, and glass for fusing and casting. The Uroboros factory store is located in Portland, Oregon and offers classes in glass fusing, stained glass, glass casting, mosaics, and glass painting.
Shop over six hundred Frank Lloyd Wright Collection, Prairie Arts & Crafts gifts including Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass, wall art, home gifts and jewelry.
Armstrong Glass, a manufacturer of stained glass, fusing, mosaic, architectural, custom glass shelves and cabinet glass. The outlet store in Atlanta, GA offer a huge selection of glass and supplies.
Grand Central Stained Glass is Pinellas County's largest stained glass studio, offering classes, custom design work and retail supplies, tools & equipment.