Life Energy Healing and Training integrate Chinese and Traditional Tibetan-Mongolian Medicine with Western Medicine to promote personal growth, energy healing, intuition, peacefulness, and balance for optimal health.
A blog and hub of resources devoted to Living Systems Medicine (LSM), including Field Control Therapy (FCT) and other applications of systems sciences. -
Life is about enjoying life and helping ourselves and others to enhance this even more. The blending of traditional medicine and alternative practices. Detoxifying of the body along with self healing and meditation.
Sound Heals' massage therapist and Acutonics practitioner Nancy Alfs uses the Acontonics system of vibrational sound healing, massage and astrology for a holistic approach to healing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
A blog and hub of resources devoted to Living Systems Medicine (LSM), including Field Control Therapy (FCT) and other applications of systems sciences. -
People evaluate their health only in that case if they got any illnesses. I recommend sufferers the psy-surgical technique with its good results almost in every area. It is also possible to treat the diseases accounted incurable by the doctors.