STC-HPS is a professional society organized and chartered in 1964 with the following objectives: development of scientific knowledge in the study of ionizing radiation; devising practical means to protect people and their environment from harmful effects
IRWA and its member chapters are the only entities developed exclusively to serve the educational and continuing development needs of right of way and land acquisition professionals.
Mission: Accelerate the transformation toward sustainable building and land development practices in Central & South Texas through innovation, education, advocacy and partnerships.
As a non-profit organization and the Texas-South chapter of the International Association of Special Investigation Units (, we carry out the IASIU mission locally.
The Lone Star Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation serves the bleeding disorders community of South Texas. We are based in Houston and our area includes McAllen, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso. Our vision is very simple. We exis
The South Central Chapter of American Society for Indexing represents indexers across America. Many members are in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
The Lone Star Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation serves the bleeding disorders community of South Texas. We are based in Houston and our area includes McAllen, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso. Our vision is very simple. We exis
The Rocky Mountain Regional Chapter Society of Quality Assurance (RMRCSQA) was formed in 1990 to serve the needs of Quality Assurance professionals in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Utah
The South Texas Counseling Association, a chapter of the Texas Counseling Association, is an association of professional counselors that provides leadership, service and advocacy and promotes education and ethical standards.Counties Served: Atascosa