The atheists pro-active answer to the churchs of the world meddling in everyones lives. Science and Technology contributions are designed to improve the lives of atheists and skeptics everywhere.
The atheists pro-active answer to the churchs of the world meddling in everyones lives. Science and Technology contributions are designed to improve the lives of atheists and skeptics everywhere.
This Page:The world's Most Important Spiritual Medium, Cora L.V. Richmond 1840 - 1923. Bringer Of The LIGHT of Peace and Truth in the World.Find Here The On-Line Archives of her Published Works. Statement of Fact; So Called Spiritualism Today,IS NOT True
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"The moon reflects sunlight like humans reflect information. We wax and wane and when we become full moons, our egos are full. We think we have this knowledge when in fact, the information we have is pure."
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