Albemarle Properties, Albermarle Properties, Raleigh NC Commercial Real Estate, North Carolina Real Estate, Raleigh NC Office Building for Lease, Research Triangle Real Estate
Old Albemarle Surveying has been offering quality land surveying services to Charlottesville, Albemarle, and the surrounding counties since 2002. Owner Andy Graff has surveyed in the area for over 30 years.
Hetex Engines Inc is located in Charlottesville, VA. Hetex Engines Inc is a Engine Rebuilding Service serving Charlottesville and Albemarle County since 1974.
We’d like to DONATE our Spruill family farm for perpetual conservation and some combination of low-impact public access, organic or sustainable farming, environmental research and education programs.
We’d like to DONATE our Spruill family farm for perpetual conservation and some combination of low-impact public access, organic or sustainable farming, environmental research and education programs.