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Bishop Duane Swilley life’s mission is bringing hope through the love of Christ. Whether it be bringing hope to families, marriages, individuals seeking destiny or to the fatherless. Bishop’s heart always has and continues to be in bringing hope by maturi
The conscience of immortality on the forehead of the mystery of passion. Poem and poetry on perspectives of human destiny, on death and love. Tempest of the heart and soul. New Age Fashion Site.
Be inspired through these Limited Edition Canvas Prints...Find the hearts, Place the meaning, Follow your destiny...also available in smaller matted prints.
Reading by Chris, psychic, tarot card reading, palm readings and clairvoyant. Chris specializes in helping with your love life. Do not get lost in false hope.
“Let the beauty of what we love be what we do.” ~ Rumi Have you ever said yes to a simple act that took you down an unexpected path? Some call the yes unconsciousness, luck, coincidence, intuition, synchronicity, destiny. No...
JADE - a ministry of enlightenment, empowerment, and purpose. Bringing you to a place of knowing the truth of you. You are divine. You were created with a specific destiny in mind. At JaDe you will find help to fulfill your God given purpose. It is a