Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a humanitarian who speaks on spirituality about life & work. Sadhguru is a yoga guru & shares spiritual thoughts & mystic quotes.
Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as “a bridge between science and spirituality”.
Center for Spirituality at Work has been challenged to make a fundamental 'option for the poor' - to speak for the voiceless, to defend the defenseless, to assess life styles, policies, and social institutions in terms of their impact on the poo
Pure Union- Healing technique/remedies, Energy work, Channeling, Meditation technique, Spirituality, Masculine and Feminine Balancing, News, Free Stuff and More
Center for Spirituality at Work has been challenged to make a fundamental 'option for the poor' - to speak for the voiceless, to defend the defenseless, to assess life styles, policies, and social institutions in terms of their impact on the poor.
New Thought Net/work puts New Thought at your fingertips with powerful tools to explore New Thought Spirituality and find New Thought Communities around the world.
New Thought Net/work puts New Thought at your fingertips with powerful tools to explore New Thought Spirituality and find New Thought Communities around the world.
Your Soul at Work: Five Steps to a More Fulfilling Career and Life. A unique career planning and development guide incorporating both introspective, spiritually focused meditations and practical techniques proven successful in corporate America.
My work focuses on helping individuals gain clarity and perspective on where they are, where they want to be, and then designing a path forward. From there, I accompany clients on their journey, supporting and refining the goals, strategies and paths as t