Wellspring Women’s Ministry helps women fall in love with God and appreciate who He has made you to be. Run by Gloria Cotten, we provide Bible study tools, d
The inspiration for this blog has come from you – friends around the world who are busy women: wives, Moms, Grandma’s and singles who run a household, do the laundry, cook the meals, hold down a job (in many cases) and would love to study the Bible but th
Flower Mound Women’s Bible Study is an interdenominational study that meets each week in our community to study the Bible together. Jen Wilkin writes and teaches the study, and a fantastic leadership team helps with all things organizational. Our mission
Welcome to The River! We are a women's Bible study and discipleship ministry in Panama City, Florida. After spring break we will be working through "SHAPE" by Erik Rees, a unique analysis tool that helps you identify your spiritual gifts an
Free Bible School for Men, Women, and Teens, Beginners, and Advanced. Evening or Weekend Class. Accelerated 3-Level Curriculum. Certificates of Completion. For Anyone Seeking Bible Study. Basic, Advanced, and Ministry Training. Two Year Core Program. Atte
Be inspired with blogs, devotions, and inspiration for Christian women. Daily articles, devotionals,  bible study, recipes and more only on iBelieve!
Be inspired with blogs, devotions, and inspiration for Christian women. Daily articles, devotionals,  bible study, recipes and more only on iBelieve!