Supplier and Importer of Water Soluble Fertilizers for Fertigation, NPK Foliar Fertilizers and Chelated Micronutrients Fertilizers offered by Vardhaman Crop Nutrients Private Limited, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India.
Supplier and Importer of Water Soluble Fertilizers for Fertigation, NPK Foliar Fertilizers and Chelated Micronutrients Fertilizers offered by Vardhaman Crop Nutrients Private Limited, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India.
Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association is a non-profit farm organization that communicates the responsible economic management of soil, water, air and crops.
Leaf Sensor technology knows when to water hardware and software to monitor and Irrigation Monitors levels in plant real-time. Activate irrigation and water systems using 14-bit ADC modules with trending & monitoring software..
Australian Journal of Crop Science-AJCS.
This Australian based, international journal publishes papers on almost all aspects of crop and plant Sciences including Biotechnology, Breeding, Agronomy, Botany, Soil and Water, Crop economy etc.
EPC Mahindra provides solutions to farmers in water management, fertigation & agronomic support through micro irrigation systems to achieve product quality crop yields.
Mycorrhizal fungi biological inoculant helps farmers increase crop yields. Better nutrient and water uptake through increase in root mass and colonization.
Our work is the transfer of symbiotic fungal endophytes into agricultural crops for better plant fitness, decreased water and fertilization needs, and higher crop yields.
CropX is an ag-analytics company that has developed the world’s most advanced adaptive irrigation service, which automatically optimizes irrigation, thereby delivering dramatic crop yield increase and water and energy cost savings to farms.
Agricultural Management Systems provides a clutter-compensated, technologically superior form of remote sensing imagery for cost-effective management of water, nitrogen, insecticide, fungicide applications and other dimensions of crop management to grower