www.AstrologyDiva.com, , Facilities , YOUnique Signature Essences Created by MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro To Celebrate Your Inner DIVA! , In the spirit of caring for the mind, body and soul Astrology~Diva's products &
www.AstrologyDiva.com, , Facilities , YOUnique Signature Essences Created by MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro To Celebrate Your Inner DIVA! , In the spirit of caring for the mind, body and soul Astrology~Diva's products &
Silvia Pancaro (aka Moon Coach and MoonCoach and Flying Mermaid) joyfully presents: Lunar Priestess and Lunar Priest - a Process through which to re-claim and honor the Sacred Cycles of Time and Nature, through the Priest and Priestess Archetype. Inspire
Silvia Pancaro presents Quantum Astro Dynamics, a new earth astrological technique combining the best of Archetypal Astrology and Quantum Physics. Create a New YOU with Silvia's powerful interactive courses, astrology playshops and books!
Silvia Pancaro invites you to: Pierce the veil...enter a new dimension, leaving behind the old world...and becoming One of the Many who have returned to re-build the Vision of the New Earth...step through and re-member Who You Are
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro created Moon Coaching manifesting your Soul's dreams with the lunar phases, archetypal astrology, natural cycles & YOU!