Practical information and products to improve your bladder discomfort and pelvic pain from Interstitial Cystitis, Prostatitis, Bladder Pain Syndrome, Overactive Bladder, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and other pelvic pain conditions
LABORIE is the leading manufacturer/supplier of medical equipment/catheters for pelvic floor diagnostics and treatments of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse/pain utilizing urodynamic tests, neurourology studies, and anorectal manometry procedures
Pelvic floor physical therapy in NJ specializing in treatment of female pelvic pain, male pelvic pain, including vulvodynia, pelvic organ prolapse, bladder and bowel incontinence, pregnancy and postpartum pain , spine and hips.
Womens Health Physiotherapy treating women with a range of conditions ranging from bladder weakness, pelvic girdle dysfunction, pelvic pain, prolapse, weak pelvic floor muscles, stomach muscle separations. Specialising in women of all ages.
Physical Therapy and Education for Pregnancy/Postpartum, Pelvic Pain/Pelvic Floor Weakness, as well as Infant Physical Therapy for Developmental Delays and Torticollis
Continence, Women's and Men's Health Physiotherapy. For Comprehensive assessment of all problems relating to bladder, bowel, pain and pelvic floor dysfunction
Emptying the Bowel
Are you Going Ok?
Without Straining?
Without pain?
Without effort?
Anal fissure? Pelvic floor problems?
If you have problems associated with evacuating the bowel, you are not making the correct consist
LABORIE is the leading manufacturer/supplier of medical equipment/catheters for pelvic floor diagnostics and treatments of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse/pain utilizing urodynamic tests, neurourology studies, and anorectal manometry procedures
Physical therapy specialized in pelvic floor and abdominal wall disorders due to bowel, bladder issues, musculoskeletal pain, interstitial cystitis, IBS and endometriosis pain management.