Concerts et démos à Paris pour fêter les 50 ans de la musique en boucle, aka "live looping" en partenariat avec Y2K13. une programmation internationale variée : jazz, rock, classique beatboxing, expériemental ou électro...
Jon Sterckx - Drumscapes Live Sampling - Live Looping multi percussion using entirely vocal percussion, acoustic world music percussion instruments & live audio processing.
Vocal and Beatbox team, featuring King Cano and Nir Yaniv. Doing vocal looping, beaboxing, vocal effects and super-groove, live, without any instruments...
Alasdair Macmillan is a singer/songwriter of celtic heritage and hawaiian lifestyle. The multi-instrumentalist and live-looper jumps between guitars, banjos, ukes, fiddles
Ecce cello bridges the gap between classical music and the technological world of today. Through live looping both join to form a legitimate tool of expression: The sound of what one is; a fateful music.
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Ian Eric is a musician and entertainer based in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Known for energetic and bold acoustic performances with live looping and unexpected song choices.