Filmmaker Emily Hughes is an award winning producer and the daughter of the late guitar virtuoso Lenny Breau. Hughes’ Soft and Groovy Productions produced 'The Genius of Lenny Breau' which is a film biography of her father, the Canadian jazz guitar genius
A website dedicated to jazz guitarist, Lenny Breau. Breau was a guitarist with staggering technique and a mind for innovation; he played with an evocative style
LES ATELIERS DE BREAU SARL, fabrique et commercialise des matériels équestres dans ces ateliers. Nous fabriquons les marcheurs circulaires ou ovales pour chevaux sous la marque MARCHEUR CTL, ainsi que des manèges circulaire ou ronds d
A freelance copywriter and book editor based in Raleigh, NC, Melissa Breau works with small businesses and self published authors. She creates content for small
Jacques Breau, paysagiste en Anjou, aménage et entretient votre jardin : plantation, entretien écologique du gazon, terrasses et maçonneries paysagères.
We provide professionally installed landscaping, outdoor living spaces. We also offer landscape construction, drainage, retaining walls, water features and more