Speech therapy programs help: children with language, articulation, and reading; adults post stroke or head injury who have aphasia, dysphagia, or cognitive deficits; and ESL students or call center agents requiring accent reduction training.
Certified physicians and speech-language pathologists offering developmental evaluations including communication, motor, cognitive, adaptive and social skills.
Certified physicians and speech-language pathologists offering developmental evaluations including communication, motor, cognitive, adaptive and social skills.
Saline Pediatric Speech-Language Services provides high-quality speech, language, and literacy support for children from birth through age 9 and their families.
Mindy Niloff Backler is a licensed speech-language pathologist and therapist offering speech therapy in the Montreal area, specializing in
the evaluation and treatment of childhood communication disorders including
speech and language delays, autism/PDD
The Tenafly Speech and Language Center, established in 2001, is a speech and language therapy center for children ranging in age from ages 12 months to 16 years. We specialize in a variety of developmental delays associated with speech and language disord
Logopädie Brühl Gudrun Ingelbach bietet Leistungen rund um das Thema Sprach-, Sprech- und Stimmstörungen an. Stottern Poltern Sprachentwicklungsstörungen Probleme der Lautbildung Stimmstörungen Myofunktionelle Therapie Lese- Rechtschreibschwäche Late Ta
Connecting for Kids provides information and support for families with questions or concerns about their child's development. It is focused on the west side of Cuyahoga County and the east side of Lorain County in Ohio. We offer speakers, parent disc