Dr. James Hansen is part of a trusted Pasco tradition of dental excellence. He has dedicated his professional career to providing you with the best that dentistry has to offer.
Maurice Braun, Armin Hansen, Albert Derome, Arthur Hill Gilbert, Edgar Payne, Tom McGlynn, William Ritschel, William Wendt, S.C. Yuan and much more featured at James J. Rieser Fine Art
Kind ,ruft die Polizei..WORLD PRESSE, Expo World Presse Photo, [LIVE] Conférence presse de James Hansen à La Galerie by World Efficiency, [tuto]World presse crée un article !, Conférence de presse Tiers Lieux Fork The World
"If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed, CO2 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350 ppm." James Hansen, NASA climatologist Welcome to Energy Remodeling on School Teacher I