We have over 20 years of experience in organizing Galapagos tours. We can custom build a Galapagos trip for you for much less than the cost of the big box tours
Travel and wildlife: Safaris in Kenya and Tanzania. Wildlife trips to Galapagos. Trip to Namibia. Notes and images India. Pictures of some of the Seychelles.
Our award-winning Galapagos Islands hotel, the Finch Bay Eco Hotel, lies just steps from the beach in the heart of the Galapagos Islands. #1 Trip Advisor
Galapagos Islands cruises, Galapagos Islands tours, Galapagos Islands travel: exclusive cruises and tours on the Galapagos Islands. Tours in Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Book your Galapagos Islands trip with Advenation - Adventure Locations.
GALAPAGOS NATURAL HISTORY TOURS is a highly experienced tour agency run by trip specialists, authors and biologists GREG ESTES and THALIA GRANT. With a background of over 35 years researching in Galapagos and a professional resume of 25 years organizing e