KIDS the Frog - - is created for a universal fashion child curious about the mysteries of the world. Active but sophisticated, inquisitive while whimsical – she is an elegant, fashionable princess while he is active, cool and collected.
The Apple Tree Inc - Educational resource center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, providing learning materials and material for school and church. Classroom supplies, children's books, language arts, Mathematics, music, puzzles and more.
Official website of Actress Edie Monroy from New York City. Has performed as Titania from Midsummer Nights Dream, as a Vampire, a Goth Girl in The Walk Home. Won Best Actress in 3Cube Film Festival
Frogprints does marketing and
management consulting. Principal consultant is Todd Beck (Todd
Warren Beck). Also information on Wendy Beck (Wendy Harkness
Beck), Sakuran, and other curious stuff. Enjoy!