NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
Altruvest is your best source for professional, values-driven, affordable gift planning, major giving, endowed fund and related campaign services. Gift planning and related services are key to your charities financial future. With access to out-sourced ex
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
NonProfit Pooled Trust is a special type of trust that allows someone to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits while preserving their
Collective giving harnesses the power of micro-donations:Your gifts are pooled with others for maximum impact!No minimum amounts.Set up a regular donation for as much/as little as you can afford.No mail-outs, no charity calls.Hassle-free for you, & better
Altruvest is your best source for professional, values-driven, affordable gift planning, major giving, endowed fund and related campaign services. Gift planning and related services are key to your charities financial future. With access to out-sourced ex
Share wishlists and suggest gifts for the ones you love at Add wishes from any store, charity or even ask grandma for a hand knitted sweater.
Great for Christmas, Birthdays, Hannukah, Retirement, Secret Santas, Graduation
Wedding, Baby,
Global Grandmothers is a movement that supports children worldwide. Join us in our pledge - give to a child in need when you give to your grandchild. Let the world’s children benefit from the pooled generosity of caring grandmothers.