Chiranjiv Bharati School (CBS), located at Sec-M Ashiyana, Lucknow is a school providing education to students from PG to XII. CBS was founded in 1989. It is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
Best in Schools of Lucknow - Blooming Dale High School is considered the temple of knowledge and holds a highly crucial position in the life of every child.
Best in ICSE Pattern Schools of Lucknow - St. Joseph Inter College is the best school in Lucknow. We are committed & dedicated to provide affordable & qualitative education to the Indian society.
Siddhant World School in Lucknow - Quality education to make each student a dynamic, self-reliant, socially sensitive, rationale thinker, who is responsive to changes, and can appreciate the diversity and understand the value of unity. As we realize, toda
The City School in lucknow Lucknow India has been involved in the growth and development of kids from an early age, with their, preSchool in lucknows, playSchool in lucknows and kindergarten programs running successfully across India, preSchool in lucknow
IICT is complete portal for MBAs in business school Distance Learning MBA applying to online business school and Online Distance MBA colleges graduates. Distance Learning MBA Education Correspondence MBA IICT covers business, career, and lifestyle for the
IICT is complete portal for MBAs in business school Distance Learning MBA applying to online business school and Online Distance MBA colleges graduates. Distance Learning MBA Education Correspondence MBA IICT covers business, career, and lifestyle for the
City convent school is a co education school. The school is a non-profit institution.The school lays great stress on moral and spritual education of the chidren and tries to prepare youth with global vision.
Laurel Children Academy is one of Best in Schools of Lucknow considered the temple of Improvise the knowledge & behavioral dignity holds a highly crucial position in the life of every child.
Established in 1982 as a handicraft centre, Nirmal Kala Mandir is now a school for learning old and new arts. There are over 300 courses ranging from stitching to software, from amateur to advanced, from Indian arts to Indonesian arts.
The School is recognized by the Secondary Education Department of Uttar Pradesh (Anglo-Indian Board) & affiliated to the Indian Council for Secondary Education (I.C.S.E.) & I.S.C. (Indian School Certificate), New Delhi.
Teaching at St. Francis’ Mission School aims at concept and skill development rather than mere acquisition of knowledge. Our system makes the student central to the learning structure.
Best in ICSE Schools/Inter College of Lucknow - Our aim to provide a thorough education according to Christian Principles, to bring out the best and noblest qualities in children, so as to make them good and loyal citizens. Admission is open to all, irres
he School aims at giving a value based wholesome quality education to develop along with intellectual excellence and achievement, the multi-faceted personality of the child as a moral and social being, with special emphasis to inculcate healthy moral valu
Best in ICSE Schools of Lucknow - St. Francis' College is a recognised, unaided Anglo-Indian minority institution established and administered by The Catholic Diocese of Lucknow.
Best in ICSE Board Schools of Lucknow - St. Joseph Inter College dedicated to the best educational practices. It is powered & propelled by a philosophy of education that is diverse and yet truly modern.
IICT is complete portal for MBAs in business school, MBAs applying to business school and MBA recent business school graduates. IICT covers business, career, and lifestyle for the MBA community.