Home of Limerick Aikido Club. Aikido Limerick, Martial Arts, Kyusho Jitsu, Ju Jitsu, Ju Jutsu, Jason Kenny, Aikido Ireland, Irish Aikido, Munster Aikido.
Traditional Aikido at our London Aikido Club in Hampstead NW3. Training for the development of mind and body based on sound principles will deliver the best aikido in London.
Mushin Aikido Club is a dojo for traditional Aikido as practiced in the Hombu (Aikido central headquarters in Tokyo) and taught by the founder, Morihei Ueshiba who is popularly known as O-sensei or Great Teacher.
Pinner Aikido Club London offers: classes aikido london, self-defence women, aikido martial-art london, martial-arts beginners, aikido dojo london and more.
Tacoma Aikido Club has provided Aikido training in the South Puget Sound under Sensei Fujiko Tamura Gardner for over 36 years, in Tacoma Washington. Through our study of the Aikikai Aikido of Hiroshi Isoyama Shihan and the Icho Ryu Aikijutsu of Bernie Lau
Aikido Nantes le Club de Nantes Malakoff ,Le dojo ou nous pratiquons l'aikido, le jodo .L'aïkido ,cet art martial se différencie fondamentalement du jujitsu et du self-défense.
La section Aikido du club de Judo de Périgueux au gymnase du Toulon de Périgueux : vous aprécierez le dynamisme et l'ambiance de notre club. Venez nous rejoindre...
Chicago Aikido Club is an Aikido Dojo dedicated to the free and creative exploration of the Japanese martial art Aikido in all its aspects — martial, physical and spiritual.
Club arts martiaux Paris : Le Dojo de Grenelle est l'un des plus anciens clubs d'arts martiaux de France, et l'un des plus grands de Paris. Toutes les arts martiaux sont représentés par des experts de haut niveau, judo, aikido, karaté