Acupuncture is the oldest, most successful practice of medicine in the world. Botanical medicine is science based ancient wisdom. Come experience both with Christine Simmons L.Ac. M.Ac. NCCA. at the Wellspring Valley for Acupuncture Energetics. I incorpor
WELCOME BARUCH HABA Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah promotes and supports "Living Torah" -- Judaism as a powerful, evolving wellspring of accumulating wisdom and sensibilities that enriches people's lives and helps create a bette
Archangel Michael says that one person can change the world. Just one.
The potential lies within each one of us to be One. Perhaps it is You.
I want my art to awaken that hidden power inside of you - to bring you back to that place of a child - when
Serving in the Havana, Florida area by providing a faith community for belonging and growing in Christ. Come and find a place among us, and joy in our journey together.