Video Fragment Rating is een samenwerkingsproject van de afdeling Chirurgie van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen en het Lectoraat Transparante Zorgverlening van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
GamDB - a database of games for all platforms. On our site are the best video games rating and screenshots for the PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX, mobile and web-games. is the first family-oriented game information site to offer fully integrated ESRB ratings information alongside simple, straightforward information and reviews for family friendly videogames – games that are fun for families t is the first family-oriented game information site to offer fully integrated ESRB ratings information alongside simple, straightforward information and reviews for family friendly videogames – games that are fun for families t is the first family-oriented game information site to offer fully integrated ESRB ratings information alongside simple, straightforward information and reviews for family friendly videogames – games that are fun for families t is the first family-oriented game information site to offer fully integrated ESRB ratings information alongside simple, straightforward information and reviews for family friendly videogames – games that are fun for families t
FloLight is rapidly becoming the new standard for professional lighting. With flicker-free fluorescent lighting and LEDs with the highest CRI rating available, FloLight stands ready to meet the needs of video professionals.