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SHPE Savannah aspires serve the greater Savannah community, by encouraging and mentoring young people to pursue careers in science, technology , engineering and mathematics, and by developing the next generation of technical and inspirational leaders with
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SHPE Atlanta Professional Chapter is the leading social-technical organization whose primary function is to enhance and achieve the potential of Hispanics in engineering, math and science.
Welcome to the new site for SHPE Daley! SHPE Daley is a chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers ("SHPE National"), a global organization of professional engineers and students who serve as role models and mentors to STEM (Scien
The SHPE Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) working exclusively to develop educational enrichment and academic outreach initiatives, for Latinos/as, that extend throughout the pre-college to PhD pathway.
The SHPE Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) working exclusively to develop educational enrichment and academic outreach initiatives, for Latinos/as, that extend throughout the pre-college to PhD pathway.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers SHPE Chapter information, calendar of events, current events, officers, members, community service, UCSB and SBCC student chapter information
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at Hofstra University is consists of a group of dedicated students whose main goal is to empower the community.