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La Banda SHEKERE llega al mercado Falconiano y tambin Venezolano con una opcin de entretenimiento tanto a eventos corporativos como particulares, con msica en vivo y secuencial, herramientas de animacin de audio y video que permiten integrar al pblico en
The Shèkèrè defines the vision of African unity. The musical instrument is found all over Africa as well as in the diaspora. It survived the Atlantic crossing and is found all over the Americas; in Brazil, Cuba, The Caribbean Islands, Argentina, Peru and
DARIA creates award-winning multi-cultural childrenʼs music and tours with her unique interactive concerts. DARIAʼs cdʼs are used widely in preschool, elementary and special education classrooms.
Keur djembe African drum shop specializes in building, repairing and selling djembes. Our djembes are made of hard African wood, all handcrafted with goat skin, solid metal rings, and strong nylon rope. We also sell sabar drums, talking drums, djun djuns
Sito di Davide Bernaro percussionista di Ravenna, concerti musica brasiliana, concerti musica cubana, interviste fatte per rivista Percussioni, programma lezioni individuali, programma workshops,
Davide Bernaro percussionist website, brazilian music conc
web site for women who drum,, home of the Happen'n featuring the Catskill Mountain Women's World Drum & Percussion Happen'n, a women and girls multicultural annual drum gathering, and link to women drumming, web site and Happen'n logo desi
HOOR!is Afrikaanse Percussie, hooris is een groothandel in afrikaanse percussie, hooris werkt uitsluitend met handgemaakte percussie instrumenten uit Ghana van een hoge kwaliteit