The public log of the ketch L’Avenir as penned by Captain Bob DeNatale, Commodore of Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club 2012-2014. Join Captain Bob, his boatering family and friends on his adventures aboard L’Avenir.
South Channel Yacht Club. A marina on Harsens Island, Michigan. Boat wells available with access on the South Channel. The friendliest marina on Lake St. Clair.
Surf City Yacht Club's mission is to promote the sport of sailing and related water activities for its membership. Membership offers use of the club grounds, boat dockage, programs for the family and children, social activities for adults, and much more.
Schooner Cove Yacht Club is located in Nanoose Bay, BC and host many special racing events, regatta events and social events all in the name of yachting.