Rejuvenescimento vaginal com Monalisa Touch em Porto Alegre. CO2 fracionado para rejuvenescimento vaginal com Monalisa Touch. Tratamento com Monalisa Touch em Porto Alegre.
Rocky Mountain GYN & Hormone Center provides high quality services such as bioidentical hormone therapy, SmartLipo, the MonaLisa Touch treatment &
Our board certified doctors at WHOSM have the MonaLisa Touch Treatment in Miami. This new laser innovation will restore and renew the tissue in the vagina.
MonaLisa Touch home page from Bergen Aesthetics. Describes new laser device for treating vaginal atrophy, vaginal itching and burning, vaginal dryness and loss of lubrication.
Women’s Healthcare of Illinois is a practice devoted to the promotion of women’s health. We service Obstetrics, Gynecology (OBGYN), Urogynecology, MonaLisa Touch® and da Vinci® Robotic Assisted Surgery.
Swiss Medicus to centrum medyczne z szerokim zakresem usług: leczenie chrapania, ginekologia estetyczna, diagnostyka USG, test Harmony, MonaLIsa Touch.