Marilyn Price-Mitchell is a consultant, writer, researcher, and speaker in the field of Human and Organization Development. She works primarily with nonprofits, school communities, and social entrepreneurs.
This site is intended to be a source for Carl Whitaker's bibliography and for his publically released original works. These works are as relevant today as they were in the days when family systems was being birthed. The crucial and central relev
TIZIANO POSSAMAI sta svolgendo un dottorato di ricerca sperimentale sulla “consulenza filosofica” all’Università di Trieste, con particolare attenzione al ruolo e significato che questo fenomeno può assu - Mind Readers Dictionary, for reading the people you work and play with more successfully. Terms and tools for tracking motives in everyday thought and conversation, for reading between the lines with greater comprehension.
American Society for Cybernetics
home page. ASC members have an active interest in first and second
order cybernetics,general systems thinking and the application of
these ideas.