Israel Folkdance Festival Boston - Sunday, March 15, 2015 - General Information - The Boston Festival is the official Israel Folkdance Festival of Boston, held every March at Kresge Auditorium at MIT in Cambridge.
Portland's unique Movement Artspace. Offering a large variety of dance,movement and music classes for women and men. Bellydance, yoga, Fire Dance, Ecstatic Dance, Tai-Chi, folkdance, Salsa and more!
2015 Hoolyeh Folkdance Party Time to shake the moth balls out of the costumes, find a matching pair of opanke and mark your calendar for the Annual Hoolyeh Folkdance Party! Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Mary's River Grange Dance workshop from 1 to
Jim Gold leads folk tours to Bulgaria, Greece, Norway, Poland, Turkey, Serbia, and Hungary. Folk festivals, folk dancing and singing in local villages, history, art, adventure, and delicious local cuisine are hallmarks of his tours, which he's led for 25