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Borman & Company, innovation advisers to industry, higher education, and government on intellectual property management, technology transfer, clinical trials, IP forensics, patent prosecution and more.
BorMan Construction - Lynda and Mike Messman, Apollo Beach, Florida - Our homes are built with our fullest attention to details and quality. Each client is given our utmost attention to ensure that they will be completely satisfied with their new home.
Terri Borman is an author and licensed child care specialist. Her book Shapes Go to School is her first in a series of children's books written for children ages 2-y years old. The purpose of the book is to teach children shapes and colors. It also teache
Terri Borman is an author and licensed child care specialist. Her book Shapes Go to School is her first in a series of children's books written for children ages 2-y years old. The purpose of the book is to teach children shapes and colors. It also teache
Terri Borman is an author and licensed child care specialist. Her book Shapes Go to School is her first in a series of children's books written for children ages 2-y years old. The purpose of the book is to teach children shapes and colors. It also teache
Terry Borman, Contemporary Violin Maker. Fine instruments, personally hand-crafted like Cremonese Italian violin makers, using finest Bosnian Maples; used by world-wide performing artists like Anne Akiko Meyers, Jaime Laredo, Kyung-Wha Chung, and Pinchas
The divorce and family law attorneys at C. E. Borman & Associates extend their legal services to wills, probate and Social Security disability matters.