Rapidly design, develop, and test data-intensive, cross-platform web apps using the Sencha Platform, including UI frameworks, productivity tools, and testing solutions.
Testapic est la solution innovante d'audit / test / optimisation de l'ergonomie & de l'expérience utilisateur grâce à un large panel d'utilisateurs ciblés.
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Logging Test App for Android verifies you're opted into the programs you think you are. It exposes hidden logs&services, apps/spyware/malware running and more!
Handyüberwachung Apps im Test Vergleich - die Top 5 Handy Spionage und Ortung Apps für Android, Blackberry, iPhone/iPad, Symbian und Windows Mobile Phones
Foto-Apps im Test - für iPhone, iPad und iPod: ob kostenlos oder nicht, hier geht es um Apps, die sich lohnen, wenn man Spaß an iPhone-Fotografie und guten Fotos hat.
Welcome to the development blog of Crash Test Apps Inc. It's a brain-dump of stuff about the apps I'm working on or thinking about, the web, iPhone and the iPad in general and the occasional random...
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