شبكة الديمقراطيين في العالم العربي هي منظمة مجتمع مدني غير حكومية وغير ربحية مسجلة في المملكة المتحدة تم تأسيسها في يناير 2006م كنتيجة لمؤتمر المغرب الذي ح
المركز السوداني للديمقراطية و التنمية مؤسسة مجتمع مدني غير ربحية وغير حكومية تتبنى مداخل ثقافية واجتماعية لنشر وتعزيز ثقافة الديمقراطية والحكم الراشد �
Iraqi Civic Action Network (ICAN) is a nongovernmental umbrella organization established in Baghdad in 2006. ICAN was founded and staffed by qualified Iraqis in the field of NGO management. ICAN is registered in the NGO registration office under the numbe
Iraqi Civic Action Network (ICAN) is a nongovernmental umbrella organization established in Baghdad in 2006. ICAN was founded and staffed by qualified Iraqis in the field of NGO management. ICAN is registered in the NGO registration office under the numbe
Iraqi Civic Action Network (ICAN) is a nongovernmental umbrella organization established in Baghdad in 2006. ICAN was founded and staffed by qualified Iraqis in the field of NGO management. ICAN is registered in the NGO registration office under the numbe