Testicular feminization syndrome: Now more appropriately called the complete
androgen insensitivity syndrome, this is a genetic disorder that makes XY fetuses
Home of down-to-earth, reliable, objective mental health symptoms and treatment information. Since 1995, Psych Central has been an independent source of education on mental disorders and mental illness. We're here to help.
Health related message boards offering discussions of numerous health topics including allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, exercise, attention deficit disorder, diet, and nutrition.
bphope.com is bp Magazine’s award-winning, online community. It strives to increase the awareness of bipolar disorder and to provide hope and empowerment to
Bipolar Disorder is affecting over 2 million American adults. This averages out to be about one percent of the population over the age of 18. Normally this disorder develops in late adolescence or early adulthood, but many people have their first symptoms
Early-onset bipolar disorder is manic-depression that appears very early in life. Recently, there has been a growing interest in ketamine as an effective
ADHD and Bipolar Disorder are distinctly different but frequently coexisting behavioral disorders that can affect all ages of people and cross all racial, gender, and geographical lines.
Manic depression, often referred to as bipolar disorder, plagued Andy Behrman, author of Electroboy, a young man who had 19 electroshocks and lost memory after involvement in counterfeiting, jail time, house arrest, hospitalization, and finally into heali
Welcome to boragebooks.com For the newest, most current edition of Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder or Natural Healing for Schizophrenia, PLUS a free phone session with Eva Edelman, PLUS a free summary page, order here.
Holistic help for bipolar disorder (manic depression) that teaches children and adults to cut bipolar disorder symptoms in half with treatments for mania, depression and more
Information on how to treat bipolar disorder symptoms,anxiety, several treatment options,and my personal experience living with both disorders,plus why and how I am managing without medications.
The mission of bipolarORwakingUP is to introduce people to the spiritually healing potential of bipolar disorder. Having a so-called bipolar crisis was one of the best things to ever happen to me.
An inspirational, creative, educational, & supportive page regarding Bipolar Affective Disorder. A Person who suffers from Bipolar Disorder maintains the site. Creative writings expressing how it feels to live with a mental illness are included as well.