Artha Graha Peduli Foundation (AG Peduli) is a non-profit organization founded by Artha Graha Network (AG Network) to provide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities on social-awareness, humanity act and environment.
Non Goverment Organization (NGO) Peduli Bangsa is an Indonesia NGO which focuses on relief work of helping the refugees of the disaster areas and the needy people in the poor areas.
DPD PKS Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Klaten Bersih Peduli dan Profesional
menciptakan klaten yang adil makmur sejahtera gemah ripah lohjinawi tototiti tentrem kerto raharjo.
Komite Peduli Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia merupakan wadah gerakan sosial yang berperan sebagai Fungsi kontrol sosial terhadap masalah dan pelanggaran hukum lingkungan hidup