Hantarex is a manufacturer and supplier of Professional and Consumer LCD displays and Digital Televisions plus Video Walls, Media players, CCTV displays and the Totem range of portrait digital signage products
Hantarex is a manufacturer and supplier of Professional and Consumer LCD displays and Digital Televisions plus Video Walls, Media players, CCTV displays and the Totem range of portrait digital signage products
Hantarex is a manufacturer and supplier of Professional and Consumer LCD displays and Digital Televisions plus Video Walls, Media players, Outdoor Monitors, CCTV displays and the Totem range of portrait digital signage products
Venta y reparación de todo lo relacionado con maquinas recreativas de tipo A. - Servicio técnico Photoplay, Silverball, Gamecristal, Placas, Monitores, Ordenadores. - Especialistas en sistemas Multijuegos, venta, reparación y actualización.
SEIT DER GRÜNDUNG 1984 sind die partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen nicht nur zum Kunden, sondern auch zu den führenden Herstellern eines der wichtigsten Erfolgsgeheimnisse.