Children of the Light features Bryan James & Indigo Crystal children, interacting with Holy Beings like Jesus Christ, learning to use Light energy for color ray healing. Circle of Lights Journal is advanced Galactic Federation Lightworker training for fa
An in-person gathering of like minds in Naples and surrounding southwest Florida to meet, validate, elevate, educate and raise consciousness in preparation for first contact with, and to welcome, members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
The galactic federation of light is here, as they have been here in previous eras. The return of the messenger of God, the second coming is now here. Yeshua (Jesus) is awaiting on one of the ships. Citizen Hearing 2013 On Disclosure of Galactic Federa
The galactic federation of light is here, as they have been here in previous eras. The return of the messenger of God, the second coming is now here. Yeshua (Jesus) is awaiting on one of the ships. Citizen Hearing 2013 On Disclosure of Galactic Federa
Oneness Of All is a web site devoted to messages of love and light channeled through Marilyn from the Arcturians; ascended beings of Arcturus who have lovingly chosen to help the people of earth at this momentous time of dimensional energy shift.
Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can all be proud of!! The purpose of developing Galactic Friends is to offer a venue to educate humanity about the complexities of our
Astrea Sri Ana | Divine Channel, Reader of the Akashic Records, Sacred Mystery School training, Light Body repatterning. Located in Bali, Indonesia. Astrea can
Astrea Sri Ana | Divine Channel, Reader of the Akashic Records, Sacred Mystery School training, Light Body repatterning. Located in Bali, Indonesia. Astrea can
Private Sessions: Psychic & Medical Readings with Profound Healings, Medium to the Other Side, Past Lives, Akashic Records. Ashtara is a Teacher of the Light.
Private Sessions: Psychic & Medical Readings with Profound Healings, Medium to the Other Side, Past Lives, Akashic Records. Ashtara is a Teacher of the Light.