Marketing For Greens And Permies to help community projects, eco or green businesses and permaculture designers to become self-sufficient website managers
Are you interested in becoming a permaculture designer as part of the way you make your living in the world? Do you need design experience so that you can move toward teaching permaculture? Are you r
The January - May Boston PDC for 2015 is SOLD OUT. If you would like to see another Boston PDC offered, please register your interest here!
Be part of creating a better future.
A six-weekend format
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” (Charles Darwin)
This group is about developing solutions, connections, techni
Interested in learning about the permaculture design process but not sure if you want to invest in a full-blown design course?
Please join us in Brunswick Maine for this popular Permaculture Design S
This course is now sold out. Another PDC will be starting in May and is open for registration here.
Be part of creating a better future.
A one-weekend-per-month format for the internationally-recogni
Please join us for an extremely exciting event on the evening of Friday October 4th in Portland, Maine. Rob Hopkins, one of the co-founders and originators of the Transition Town and Transition Initi
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” (Charles Darwin)
This group is about developing solutions, connections, techni