S i l v i n a P i n a l- porcelain, Portfolio, , , Bio, My Design philosophy metus tempus ut aliquet eu blandit vel magna Fusce nec orci eget tellus sodales vehicula Maecenas condimentumLectus vel eros Donec id felis et metus lacinia gokjwoe sdfde
We offer a beautiful hand-crafted traditional japanese ceramics at Cisco Collection. We have vases,ornamental plates,Ukiyo-e wall hangings,picture frames,tables,x'mas ornaments,functional kitchenware,such as bowls,dishes etc. Plus much more.
drceramics, drew robins ceramics . I work with stoneware clays either subtly decorated functional pottery or decorative agateware. I am based in Curry Mallet, Somerset where i have a new self built studio and exhibition space.