Ian W Law Dip.RSA, FMAAT, FCMI - is a Registered Guitar Tutor based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. England. He is also a musician playing bass guitar professionally. He offers lessons leading to the Registry of Guitar Tutors exams which are accredited by The
Bienvenue sur le site officiel du club de football de Martignac Illac : fusion de deux communes qui sont Martignas et Saint Jean d'Illac. Vous trouverez l'ensemble des informations concernant les différentes catégories de jeunes, ainsi que l
Welcome to the Personal & Professional Website of Gary McGill, the founder of High-Powered Networking, known of by tens of thousands of foodservice professionals worldwide.
The Carob Tree Retreat is run by the Revd. Marian Morgan, MA
(Pastoral Studies), FCMI, an Anglican priest, and Mrs. Frances Bennett. The large, spacious, split-level, bungalow is situated in the village of Nata, a quiet location just outside Pa
David Cockerton BSc MBA FRICS FInstCPD FCMI MCIArb David is a recognised authority on international real estate. Having worked in the UK, across Europe, the USA and the Middle East, he has more than 30 years experience in both mature and emerging markets
Julie-Anne Kitt MBA FCMI, bespoke strategy facilitation to improve Business Performance using simple tools including Strategy Mapping & Balanced Scorecard. Kaplan & Norton Certified Practioner offering services in Scotland and ROI