Hi. My name is John Hudson Dilgen. I was born with a rare skin disease
called Epidermolysis Bullosa, or EB, which causes my skin to be fragile, to blister and shear off easily.
It is estimated that 1 in 50,000 people in the U.S. have some form of EB, yet
A women with RDEB offers helpful, in depth info about the severe genetic skin disorder Epidermolysis Bullosa. Includes medical care, recipes, links, research updates, support group information and much more. This site is for EB patients, their families, f
The Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (debra), the only national non-profit dedicated to funding research and providing services and programs for those with Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB - 'the worst disease you've never heard o
The Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (debra), the only national non-profit dedicated to funding research and providing services and programs for those with Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB - 'the worst disease you've never heard o
The Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (debra), the only national non-profit dedicated to funding research and providing services and programs for those with Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB - 'the worst disease you've never heard o
I Refuse is a campaign used to reach out to others and get them involved in raising awareness for Epidermolysis Bullosa and supporting the research for a cure.
The EBMRF is a volunteer, non-profit Foundation dedicated to helping medical scientists learn more about EB, its causes, the development of successful treatments, and ultimately, its cure.
mother of a child with a dreadful and devastating genetic skin disorder called epidermolysis bullosa offers help and awareness about the disorder and help coping with pregnancy loss
The Butterfly Network is dedicated to assist in supporting people affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) around the globe. Our goal is to assist with wound care and other EB related items. The Butterfly Network works with Clarity, Honesty and Love.
NR Supporting the Epidermolysis Bullosa Community | ebnurse.org | Epidermolysis Bullosa is a genetic disorder that results in fragility of the skin and, in some cases, other organs. Blisters and/or erosions form as a result of friction, rubbing or trauma.
To support the needs of families in the greater Wayne-Westland areas who have EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa), to promote EB awareness and education, and to encourage those searching for a cure.
The EBor Foundation is a brand new Foundation that centers around Bor Verkroost. His hopes and dreams, but also his personal difficulties in life trying to coop with a very rare genetical disorder: Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Virginia Clinical research studying dermatology, skin diseases such as sarcoid, hand eczema, acne, psoriasis, baldness, lichen planus, wrinkles, epidermolysis bullosa, onychomycosis, toenail fungus.
Emanuel Bontas sufera de epidermoliza buloasa congenitala distrofica-epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica-boala genetica rara.Emi are nevoie de ajutor.Doneaza
The aim of this COL7A1 GENE MUTATIONS DATABASE is to collect mutations related to Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica (EBD) and their clinical information in order to deepen our knowledge of EBD. Both original and extracted data from published papers are ac