The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities through the sustainable development of nations, in more than 170 countries and territories.
UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. We are trusted partners for advocates and
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is a relief and human development agency. UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from UN Member States.
The second round of climate change negotiations in 2014 is taking place from 4
to 15 June in Bonn, encompassing the fortieth sessions of the subsidiary bodies ...
United Nations vacancies compiled by Sebastian Rottmair. Search the comprehensive job database for job title, duty station, UN organisation or job level. Sign-up for weekly e-mail alerts or use the extensive RSS features to get the vacancies you want to g
Best Delegate is a global resource for Model United Nations conferences and clubs. Learn how to research position papers, write resolutions, make speeches, and win awards in Model UN.
The United Nations Foundation connects the UN’s work with supporters around the world, mobilizing engaged global citizens, businesses, and non-governmental organizations to help the UN tackle issues.
The United Nations Office at Vienna manages the programme on the peaceful use of outer space, provides common services for UN organizations at the VIC, and is closely associated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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