Backpacking gear reviews, outdoor skills, news, forums about lightweight and ultralight backcountry travel, hiking, packrafting, tenkara, camping, and more.
Tenkara is Japanese. Shouldn't your rod be? Premium Japanese tenkara rods, tenkara lines and tenkara accessories. Tenkara gear for beginners and experts.
Learn about tenkara flyfishing, the traditional Japanese method that uses only a tenkara rod, line and fly. Watch free high-quality videos, learn to tie tenkara flies and read Ashley's tenkara flyfishing blog.
Welcome to Northwest Tenkara, your source for all things tenkara in the Pacific Northwest. You can browse the site to get information on Kebari Tying, Tenkara Resources or visit my Northwest specific Blog with posts on locations, techniques and general
Bakewell Fly Fishing Shop located on the banks of the Derbyshire Wye. Stockists of Tenkara, Greys, Vision and Redington. Fly fishing tuition and guiding available.
Tenkara Customs supplies DIY tenkara fishing rod building kits and supplies. We carry telescopic tenkara rod blanks, tenkara handles and specialized tenkara hardware to build your own tenkara rod.
"Tenkara-ya" offers fine Japanese Tenkara fishing tackles from Japan to the world. We also introduce Tenkara tackles with recommendation of some famouse Japanese Tenakara masters.
Tenkara Canada/Tenkara Québec - Équipements et accessoires de pêche à la mouche Tenkara. Venez faire vos achats des cannes Tenkara, Keiryu et Seiryu. Nous sommes situé au Québec. Photos et vidéos concernant cette pêche ancestrale japonaise.
Tenkara Customs supplies DIY tenkara fishing rod building kits and supplies. We carry telescopic tenkara rod blanks, tenkara handles and specialized tenkara hardware to build your own tenkara rod.
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