Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body, spirit with crystals, gemstones, yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, metaphysics, massage, color and music
Search for local businesses and services related to complementary health and natural therapies from across the UK on HealthyPages. Find the right therapist for your needs using reviews, photos, and more
A wide range of Brainwave CDs that use binaural beats as alternative therapies for stress management, profound relaxation, focused concentration, insomnia help and more.
Saint Elizabeth delivers exceptional home care and health care services across Canada. An award-winning not-for-profit and charitable organization, Saint Elizabeth is a trusted leader in Canadian health care.
Laroma Therapies offer a range of first class professional Massage, Beauty, Holistic & Complementary Therapies in Worthing to help you look and feel great.
Twenty years ago, a little boy named Charlie Abrahams developed difficult-to-control epilepsy. As a last resort, his parents turned to a ketogenic die...
Kerala Ayurveda Kendra provides all traditional Ayurvedic therapies like Ayurveda Panchakarma,Ayurvedic herbal Massage,Ayurvedic Center Jaipur,Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment,Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapies,Ayurvedic Healing,Ayurvedic Massage Training,Kerala A