The personal portfolio site of Chris Rumble - A Sacramento Based Graphic Designer, Developer, Motion Graphics dude and whatever else sounds fun to make.
Tantra Rumble is an Action, Moba and Trading Card game all mixed into the most innovative game experience by a team of indie developers using Unreal Engine 4.
The Five Million Dollar Rumble - Gregory Rzeczko, a 26 year-old entrepreneur, who hopes to earn money by promoting advertisers' webpages to help his startups at Soma Studios
Presented by the Village of Big Bend Celebrations Committee, our 4th Annual Rumble by the River event features a Truck and Tractor Pull, as well as great
food, music, and fun for the entire family.
Precision Audio Restoration introduces the Derumbleizer, an active rumble cancellation device that reduces audible turntable rumble three octaves higher than any filter while leaving the music totally intact.
The Five Million Dollar Rumble - Gregory Rzeczko, a 26 year-old entrepreneur, who hopes to earn money by promoting advertisers' webpages to help his startups at Soma Studios